7 All Natural Men’s Beauty Tips – Part 1

Sometimes men seem a bit reluctant to ask for men’s beauty tips. I imagine they fear a bathroom full of men’s beauty products will make them feel less manly. But caring for your appearance should not be a quality exclusive to women, right?

Following are 7 All Natural men’s beauty tips for improving Masculine Beauty:


I don’t know too many men who would willingly give up the comforts of a standard razor and shaving cream for the discomfort of a conventional epilator and there is not a depilatory cream available for men nor would I recommend one if there were.

Many of the synthetic ingredients (especially those containing DEA or TEA) available on the market have been known to be causes of cancer or and hormonal misbalance. This is not a reason to abandon all use of your razor and cream however allows me to make some safe and natural alternatives.

You could prepare your own natural shaving cream from the following ingredients:

– 4 tablespoons of raw unrefined shea butter
– 4 tablespoons of of unrefined coconut oil
– 3 tablespoons of olive oil or sweet almond oil
– 6-7 drops of an essential oil of your choice (this is optional but they add a great fragrance and a zing of peppermint or orange essence can help wake you up in the morning)

Combine the olive oil and shea butter in a double-boiler at a low temperature, to this mixture add the sweet almond oil or olive oil and continue mixing.

Pour this into a mixing bowl and allow it to solidify in the fridge; after it is as solid as it will get take it out and whip it into a lighter fluffier consistency that you would feel like lathering on your face. Store your own personal brand of shaving cream in an airtight container.

If making your own shaving cream sounds like more trouble than the cancer, you can always try these all natural shaving creams available on the market: Pacific Shaving Company’s All Natural Cream or Dr. Brenner’s Shave Gel.

There is another great recipe available on Little House Living that Marissa makes with two simple ingredients, she even got her husband using it.


You may think that you are rugged? Unkempt looks are part of your charm, but it may be good to think ahead and find an effective way to prevent skin conditions in the future by moisturizing your rough spots. This won’t hurt you or your schedule; just a few drops of warm jojoba oil or coconut oil applied on rough skin are all the skin care you need.

You could boost your absorption by routinely removing dead skin cells from the top layer of skin. Mix some baking soda in with your regular body soap, sprinkle a little onto your wash cloth each time rather than adding it to the bottle.

There are more tips and pointers for maintaining healthy skin naturally here.


One of the best ways to prevent wrinkles is keeping your skin well moisturized and exfoliated throughout your youth. But the real secret to long lasting beautiful skin is by maintaining a balanced diet and proper hydration too, of course.

What to Avoid:

– Reduce the quantity of meat and dairy products in your diet, these can age your skin. If you think it’s unlikely that you will ever be able to take on the vegan vows and kiss bacon and steak goodbye forever, that’s OK. You should, however, minimize your consumption to one meal a day and try to choose a grass-fed organic meat.
– Cut out coffees and caffeinated tea as these dehydrate your skin and cause other problems.
– Instead of sugars or other artificial sweeteners try using Stevia or, better yet, raw honey.
– Fried Foods (Not a big surprise there)

What to eat more of:

– Cabbage, yes lots an? Lots of Cabbage is very high in Vitamins C and A, both of these diminishes the appearance of lines. It is also a great blood detoxifier and its high fiber content helps to clean out the toxins from the body. High toxin levels will eventually make themselves apparent on your face, making you appear older (though not necessarily wiser). Try eating a helping or two of sauerkraut before you have your dinner a couple times a week.
– Eat a healthy amount of pears to help prevent nasolabial folding. Choose organic pears for the best results and always eat the skins which are rich in anti-aging nutrients.
– Eating lots of watery vegetables like lettuce and celery that will keep you constantly hydrated and looking fresh and radiant.

– To be continue… –

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