EZ-BLADE Shave Oil


EZ-BLADE Shave Oil


The EZ BLADE Shave Oil is commonly used in traditional style shaving. The EZ BLADE Pre Shave Oil is a great way to prep the skin before you start shaving. This shave oil soften the hairs, opens pores and relaxes the face. Its rich with natural smells purposely to be therapeutic and relaxing.


1. Step one apply a hot towel to soften the skin on the face.
2. Next apply your pre-shave oil to the face and rub in circular motion in the area that is being shaved.
3. Finally apply shaving cream and then begin your shave. The pre shave oil can be used alone without shaving cream

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EZ-BLADE Shave Oil

EZ Blade Shave Oil is a great product for prepping your skin before a shave. This pre-shave oil not only softens the hairs, but it also works to open pores and relaxes the face. This means you’ll get a closer, more comfortable shave experience. EZ Blade uses natural oils in the product that helps relax your mind as well as your face for the ultimate shave. The scent is soothing without being overpowering.